Inspect Your Garage Door Pulleys and Cables

Good garage door maintenance includes a thorough inspection of your pulleys and cables.  Most people are under the impression that their garage door opener does most of the work when opening the garage door.  In fact, garage doors are equipped with a counterweight system that helps open the garage door.

An average garage door weighs between 200 and 400 pounds and without the lift assistance provide by the counterweight system, the opener would need a much stronger motor and the door would virtually impossible to open manually.

Large springs act as counterweights to help open heavy garage doors.  These springs are connected to the door through a system of cables and pulleys.  The springs, cables, and pulleys are under a lot of tension so it is important to inspect them regularly and call your garage door repair service when you notice any signs of wear.

Inspect the cables carefully for any signs of fraying or corrosion.  Wipe a soft cotton cloth gently over the cable to locate any broken stands.  A broken strand will snag the cloth and is a sign that cable is wearing out.  Visually inspect the pulleys for wear and damage.

If you find any damage or wear on the pulleys or cables, have them replaced by an experienced garage door technician.  Never try to replace garage door pulleys, cables, or springs.  These are all under very high tension and can cause severe injuries and even death.  Your garage door repair technician has the experience and training to safely replace worn garage door springs, cables and pulleys.