Are Your Garage Door Sensors Aligned Properly?

Your garage door sensors are important for safety, keeping your garage door from closing when anything is under the door. The alignment of these sensors can become skewed over time, and can be the source of an emergency service call to your garage door service company. Imagine you are already late for work, and when you pull out of your garage, your garage door only closes halfway. Now you need to jump out of the car and shut the door manually, making sure it is locked and secure, making you even later for work. Not knowing what was wrong, most people will call their garage door service company to get the problem fixed when all that is wrong is their sensor alignment. 

Aligning Your Garage Door Sensors

Most garage door sensors are located approximately five feet off the ground, with one sensor on either side of your garage door. Most will have a red light on them, with one having a steady red light and the other only lighting up when it receives a signal from the other device. To align these sensors, the goal is to have both of the beams pointed directly at the other sensor. To do this, open or close the door, looking at the lights being displayed. Adjust them to point directly at each other, so that both are illuminated and solid red. 

If you are having trouble getting your sensors aligned properly, try cleaning the lens on the sensors. If you are still having problems, you may need to call your local garage door service company to adjust your sensors for you, or it may be possible that they need replacement. Sensors keep your garage door from closing down on people or items that could be crushed, so making sure they are aligned and working correctly should be a top priority.

Posted on behalf of Legacy Garage Doors

Is Your Garage Door Properly Insulated?

To save money, many builders or homeowners neglect to buy insulated garage doors, either when the home is first built or when a garage door is replaced. While insulated doors can be more expensive, they also can save money on energy costs by reducing the amount of heat or cooled air that’s lost through the garage. In addition, insulated garage doors reduce noise from outside and can help sound proof your garage. Even if your garage door is new, you can still add insulation to the door to gain these benefits. 

Insulating An Existing Garage Door

There are insulation kits which can be added to a garage door. You can choose to buy your own kit and install it yourself, or call your local garage door service company to install one for you. For most two-car garages, you are looking at a couple hundred dollars to install it yourself. However, many homeowners choose to have a professional do it for them, as there often is not a large difference in price to have it professionally installed. 

Need A New Garage Door?

If your garage door is older and will need to be replaced in the next few years, it may be better to just replace the door with a new, insulated door versus spending money on insulation. There are many options in insulated doors, from carriage-style doors to heavy-duty steel doors that are both insulated and wind resistant. 

Talk to your local garage service company about what is the best insulation rating for your area and home. Whether you are adding insulation or buying a new insulated garage door, you want to ensure that you have the right amount of insulation for your home.

Posted on behalf of Legacy Garage Doors

Will Your Garage Door Hold Up In A Wind Storm?

High winds can wreak havoc on your home’s exterior, including your garage door. Severe storms like tornadoes, hurricanes and blizzards can send winds of 50 MPH or higher against your home, causing extreme damage. Your garage door is a major part of the security of your home. Protect that security with the installation of a wind resistant new garage door

Benefits Of Wind Resistant Garage Doors

For most homes, the garage door is the largest opening to the home. In a high-wind storm, this opening is also the most vulnerable to damage, with gales putting pressure on the garage door structure. Winds that approach 100 MPH can cause the door to buckle, compromising everything inside your garage and home. 

If you live in an area known for high wind storms, it is worth the money to invest in a wind resistant garage door. In hurricane or high wind conditions, one of the most common items damaged on homes is the garage door. Some of the benefits of installing a new wind resistant door include: 

  • Full-time protection – While you can brace your existing door against high winds, you install these braces before the storm hits. A wind resistant garage door is ready to withstand high winds without needing preparation in advance.
  • Home damage – If a garage door is damaged in a wind storm or hurricane, it can lead to worse damage to the home. A wind resistant door can prevent major home and roof damage during a severe storm.
  • Security – If you are away from home during a storm, having a wind resistant garage door can ensure the security of your home while you are away. 

Learn more about the benefits of a wind resistant garage door by calling your local garage door service company.

 Posted on behalf of Legacy Garage Doors

Choose A Garage Door With Both Beauty And Brawn

Want a beautiful new garage door, but also looking for strength and reliability? There is no reason you cannot have both! Today’s garage doors come in a wide variety of styles that combine the look that you want with the steel construction that you need. With so many options to choose from, you can find the right garage door with the perfect blend of beauty and brawn. 

Looks Can Be Deceiving

With improved design and technology, modern new garage doors can be made to feature an exterior artistic style, while hiding the strength and durability of steel under the surface. For example, one of the most popular trends in garage doors in the classic carriage-style look. Although the style is reminiscent of the garage or carriage house doors with two swinging doors, most of these are now modern overhead doors. In addition, heavy-duty steel garage doors can be made in this design, giving the strength and security of steel, while adding beauty to the exterior of your home. 

Steel garage doors are functional, strong and easy to maintain. With so many design options, you can now have the practical benefits of a steel door without having to compromise style or beauty. Almost any design or style that you want is available in the modern steel garage door lines, often much more affordably than wooden garage doors with the same styles. 

If you are considering replacing your current garage door, talk to your local garage door service company about steel options. You can have the elegant look you desire, with all the functional and durability of a steel door. 

Posted on behalf of Legacy Garage Doors

Garage Door Replacement

While garage doors have a relatively long life span, they will eventually need to be replaced due as a result of damage, wearing out or appearance.  Twenty years ago, garage door styles were fairly limited, as was the materials that that were used to manufacture the door.  Often the only way to get a garage door that was architecturally compatible with the style of the home was to purchase an expensive custom door, as mass produced, cost effective and architecturally correct garage doors were not available in the marketplace. In addition, in the past, many doors were made of inferior materials that did not weather well. 

Today, the major manufacturers of garage doors offer dozens of different door styles from classic doors with or without glass panels to carriage style doors.   New garage doors are now available with flush, recessed or raised panels, depending upon the style of the home that the door is going to be used on. 

In addition, doors are now available that are either non-insulated or insulated for colder climates.  The materials available include steel, faux wood, real wood, as well as other composite materials.  The door panels can be either smooth or have a simulated wood grain molded into the door panel.  The doors can be either painted or stained, adding more possibilities to the overall appearance of the home. 

Most doors are now available in a variety of widths and heights as well.  In short, never before have so many options been available.  A qualified garage door contractor can assist in determining the perfect replacement garage door for your home at a very reasonable price!

Posted on behalf of Legacy Garage Doors

3 Signs That You Need A New Garage Door

Your garage door is one of the largest fixtures on the exterior of your home, and can be one of the most prominent. When it’s in great condition, you have a functional entrance capable of boosting curb appeal. A dangerous, malfunctioning or unsightly door can have a the opposite effect. If any of these statements hold true for you, it may be time to contact a garage door professional in your area to make arrangements for a replacement. 

Your Garage Door is Unsafe

If your current garage door is putting your family, pets and vehicles in danger, then it’s definitely time for you to call your local garage door professional. Not only should you have a garage door that isn’t on the verge of hurting someone, you should have a garage door that stands for safety and promotes security for you and yours. 

Your Garage Door is Broken

If your current garage door is broken, a replacement is most certainly in order. Broken garage doors slide out of their tracks when least expected, no longer respond to their remote controls, get stuck, and generally cause frustration. A garage door professional can diagnose your broken door for repairs, or better yet, replace it altogether with an updated, functioning model. 

Your current garage door is ugly.

If your current garage door is unsightly with peeling paint, cracked windows, sun damaged finish and a rusted lock, it’s a sure sign you need a new garage door.  Right now, it’s easier than ever to contact a professional capable of replacing that eyesore for a more appealing, newer door.

Posted on behalf of Legacy Garage Doors


Your Step-by-Step Guide to a New Garage Door

Regardless of why you decide to get a new garage door, you can simplify the process with these steps.

STEP 1: Budget – determine how much you are comfortable investing in a new garage door before you start shopping for one.

STEP 2:  Desired Style – what style of garage door suits you and your taste? There are various styles available, from contemporary to traditional garage doors.

STEP 3: Material – you’ll have to choose from quite a number of different materials used for overhead garage doors, including:

–        Steel

–        Aluminum

–        Wood

–        Wood composite

–        Fiberglass

STEP 4: Garage Door Opener – not all garage-door openers work the same. Each works differently. You’ll need to decide whether you want a

–        Belt drive opener

–        Screw drive opener, or

–        Chain drive opener.

Furthermore, you’ll want to consider features such as:

–        Size

–        Speed

–        Safety &

–        Security

STEP 5: Estimate – don’t worry if the options for openers, materials, and styles overwhelm you. When your garage door professional gives you an estimate, he or she will also explain the different options.

STEP 6: Installation – it is usually a good idea for you to be present while your garage door is being installed – in the event of questions, concerns, or problems.

STEP 7: Remote– the final phase of your garage door’s installation is the programming of your garage door opener remote. Your garage door installer will help you with the programming.

STEP 8: Manual – it is very important that you read the manual. If your garage door is improperly used, then it can pose a danger to you and your family. Please be sure that you make time to read your garage doors, manual.

Posted on behalf of Legacy Garage Doors

High-Tech Garage Door Features

Modern technology has changed the face of today’s world. More and more of the tools we use every day are finding themselves subject to a major facelift. Garage doors are another area in which technological innovation is making major waves. These days, garage door features go far beyond the visor clip on the back of an opener remote or a keypad entry system. 

Smartphone apps and home automation technology now allows you to open your garage door from anywhere in the world. You can let a repair technician into your home, even when you’re not there, by opening the garage door from your office when he arrives. Monitor your kids’ comings and goings when you’re away from the house by tracking how often the door is open and closed. Bluetooth-enabled garage doors allow you an unprecedented level of control and safety. 

Even if you don’t opt for today’s high-tech systems that allow you to open and close your garage door while you’re on vacation or in the office, you can still take advantage of some relatively new technology. You’ll never have to worry about forgetting to close the door behind you again if you spring for a timer, because it will automatically close the door at the predetermined time. 

Speak with a garage door installation and repair technician in your area today to discuss all the ways you can treat your garage doors to a high-tech upgrade of their own. Ride the wave of the future, and take the time to research all the ways that an experienced professional can turn your boring garage door opener into something fresh and exciting.

Two Cost Factors of Garage Door Repair

Your garage door is one of the main entrances to your home.  Therefore, it’s important to be certain your garage door is in good working condition and also secure. 

If you’re experiencing difficulty with your garage door, then it’s usually best to call on a garage door professional. This way, you can quickly determine whether your garage door can be repaired, or if you need a new garage door

Two common cost factors of garage door repairs are:

  •  Style
  • Materials

Style of Garage Door

The style of a garage door can affect its repair costs. It all depends on the garage door’s style. Some garage doors are more easily repaired than others.

  • Older garage doors that “tilt-up” can be more difficult to repair. The reason is that parts for these older model garage doors can be hard to find.
  • Single wide garage doors that “roll-up” are generally quite affordable to repair. 

Custom sectional garage doors tend to be more expensive. In fact, solid-wood custom garage doors are typically the most expensive to repair.   

Garage Door Materials

The quality of garage door materials varies.

  • More expensive garage doors often cost more to repair and/or replace.
  • Wood garage doors tend to be more expensive to repair than metal or steel garage doors. 

Nevertheless, there is a wide range of wood and metal (or steel) garage doors. This means that you’ll likely find a replacement door constructed from quality materials that meet your budget. As a general rule, replacing your current garage door with a better insulated (premium) garage door will cost more.

For more help in determining the cost of repairing or replacing your garage door, contact a professional garage door company. They’ll be able to not only cover cost factors of style and materials, but other cost factors such as garage-door openers and garage door finishes.

Need a Custom-Sized Garage Door?

As homes, garages and the cars we drive have all become larger, so have the need for custom-sized garage doors. The garage doors that previously came standard with newer homes is no longer sufficient for either the size of the actual doors or the items needed to fit into our garages. Many of today’s homeowners are looking at these type of problems and decisions in purchasing custom garage doors

Standard sizes for garage doors today typically range from 8 to 20 feet wide, in heights of 7 or 8 feet. Today’s builders will usually suggest a new garage door width of 9 ft. However, if happen to drive a large truck with mirrors protruding on both sides, or a snowplow on the front during winter months, you will find it difficult squeezing into a 9 ft. wide opening.

In this scenario, you may wish to opt for a 10 ft. wide door with a height of 8 ft. Of course, deciding the size of your garage door is much easier to accommodate when you are building a new garage. However, increasing the size of your existing garage door opening is another matter. In fact, to do so may be nearly impossible without extensive remodeling, increasing the size of the entire garage, which may even necessitate raising the roof. In this case, your best option may be to build an entirely new garage. 

Consult with your local garage door professional about these options when considering what course of action may be best for your individual needs. Whether it is a new bigger garage door or a newly constructed garage, you can be assured of adding value and functionality to your home.