Does Your Garage Door Opener Talk To You?

If you haven’t looked at the features available on new garage door openers in the last few years, you may be amazed at the new options that these high-tech devices offer. While you may think of your garage door opener as just a convenience item, it is much important than that. Garage doors are one of the easiest ways for criminals to breach your home, endangering your safety and property. What if your garage door opener could talk to you, letting you know when someone is trying to get into your home? 

New Garage Door Opener Features

Garage door openers have evolved far past just opening and closing your heavy garage door. They now are available with high-tech security and safety options which can help protect your family and home. Consider these options that are now commonly offered: 

  • Smartphone applications – Your garage door opener can talk to you directly through your phone. New applications alert you when your garage door is opened. You can also open or close the door remotely with your phone. Imagine you are having an expensive item delivered while you are away. You can open the garage for the delivery person when they arrive, then close it when they are finished without leaving your home or packages vulnerable to theft or intrusion.
  • Security features – In addition to controlling your opener with your phone, new garage door openers come with advanced security features to ensure safety. Rolling security codes make it difficult for anyone to manipulate the opener, unlike older devices which are easily compromised. In addition, there are options for fingerprint access and other security features which can help protect your home. 

If you are ready to update your current garage door opener, talk to your local garage door service company to learn more about the incredible options available. Increase the security and convenience of your garage door with new technology designed to make your life easier.

Posted on behalf of Legacy Garage Doors