How Secure Is Your Garage Door?

Is your garage door your primary place of entry into your home? If so, do you typically leave your garage door open and unattended for periods of time? Do you keep the intervening doors, from your garage into your house, unlocked most of the time? Do you lock those connecting doors when you leave your house? Your answer to these questions may reveal just how unintentionally vulnerable your home has become. Few of us tend to recognize the importance of the security of our overhead garage doors. 

Always keep your garage doors, interior as well as exterior, closed and locked. Be aware that potential intruders can hide in your garage, waiting for an opportune time to gain access into your home. Another overlooked portal for entry into your home is your garage windows, if they are in disrepair, have them repaired and, then, make sure they remain locked.

You may want to upgrade your garage door opener if it is an older model. Newer technology in today’s garage door openers make it more difficult to break the code on remote openers with revolving random numbers. You can also purchase a mini remote opener that fits on your key chain, thus ensuring the safety of your garage and home, even if your car were burglarized. 

If you have any concerns about the security features offered with your garage door opener, be sure to contact your local professional service technician. A thorough inspection of your garage’s operating system and a review of the newest technological advances will go a long way in providing you with peace of mind, knowing that your garage and your home are safe from unwanted intruders.