Is It Time to Buy a New Garage Door Opener?

Stopping your car to get out in order to open a manual garage door every day gets old very quickly, as does dealing with an automatic garage door that’s noisy or slow to open and close. There are plenty of reasons why you may be in need of a new garage door opener installation, and just as many excuses for putting the chore off for another day. 

A garage door opener that’s functioning properly and in good repair is not only a convenient feature, but also one that can be integral to the security and safety of your home. Older models that are still operating may be good candidates for replacement if they were installed before 1993, as they may lack the automatic safety reversal feature that became compulsory that year. These sensors can prevent injuries sustained by children or pets attempting to run under a garage door as it closes, and are highly recommended for all homeowners that have not yet upgraded. 

Another drawback of older garage door openers is that the remote controls may function with a fixed code, which means that the code can be duplicated by would-be intruders. Newer openers use a rolling-code system that generates a new code each time the door is used. New models may also feature a battery backup system that will allow you to operate the door during a power outage. 

If you’re considering the replacement or installation of a new garage door opener, be sure that you contact a licensed and experienced garage door installation and repair technician in your area today to discuss the many options and features available.