Developments in Garage Door Openers

Garage door openers have changed a lot in the past few decades.  If your garage door opener is more than ten or 15 years old, you will be surprised at the many features found on garage door openers these days.  These features add to the safety and convenience of modern garage door openers.

One of the most popular features is the battery backup.  When the power is out, a garage door opener will not operate.  The irony is that the most common reason for a power outage is severe weather which is exactly when you need the opener to operate the most.  Battery backup takes care of this issue with a standby battery that will operate the opener when there is a power outage allowing you and your family to access your garage from the safety and comfort of your car.

Another new feature of garage door openers is an automatic closing mechanism that automatically closes the door after a preset period of time such as five minutes.  This is a great feature for those people who get halfway to work and cannot remember if they closed the garage door.

A feature designed to address the same issue allows you to operate your garage door from a computer or smart phone.  You can check on the door from wherever you are and close it if needed.  You can also open the door from a remote location to allow family or friends to access the garage.

Another useful feature for forgetful homeowners is a light inside your home that signals that the door is open. This feature helps to prevent leaving the garage door open all night.  Call your garage door service to have a new, modern garage door opener installed at your home and you can take advantage of these and many other great features.