Repairing a Damaged Overhead Garage Door

Garage doors can be damaged through a variety of circumstances. One of the most common occurrences that create damage to a garage door is when a driver accidentally backs into a closed or partially closed garage door. No garage door is meant to withstand that type of heavy collision. Whether or not the door can be repaired or needs to be replaced will depend on the amount of the damage and the type of garage door. 

When a garage door has been damaged in this way, the impact often affects more than just the door itself. The door rollers may be knocked off the rails, which can leave the door in a precarious position. The door may fall, causing further damage or injury. It is important to contact a garage door repair professional immediately to assess the situation and secure the door to prevent any further damage. 

Many times only one panel of a garage door has been damaged and the panel can be replaced. Other times the entire door and the hardware will need to be replaced. Regardless of the extent of the damage, it is quite possible that the door has been knocked out of alignment. Again, this is one of the items that your garage door repair professional will need to assess and repair if necessary. 

If your garage door has a window section in it, this is another area that is susceptible to damage. Flying objects or tree limbs from a storm are often the culprits that break the windows in a garage door. These window sections are generally easy for a garage door tech to repair or replace.