How Much Garage Door Wear and Tear is Okay?

Your garage door goes through a lot every day.  It is exposed to various elements – hot and cold, rain and wind, snow and hail. Plus, it moves up and down a few times a day. It gets hit by basketballs, tapped by bumpers and much more. So how much abuse can your garage door take before it needs to be replaced?

Some wear and tear is acceptable. A scuff on a garage door panel is no big deal, mostly aesthetics. Weather stripping on the bottom of the door can become cracked, but that can be replaced on its own. What you need to be concerned about is any wear and tear that affects the function of your garage door. Here are some signs that your garage door needs repair or replacement: 

  • Dented tracks. The tracks for your garage door must be kept straight and solid to handle the weight of your door. But they can easily be damaged, often hit by vehicles. Replace dented or damaged tracks.
  • Rusted components. When your garage door opener components get rusted, they are weak. Keep your hardware lubricated and replace components if they show signs of corrosion or rust.
  • Broken panels. Do you have dents or holes in your garage door panels? You can replace single panels on many garage doors, but if you have more than one, you may want to consider replacing the entire door.

Garage doors can withstand quite a bit of wear and tear before you need to replace them. However, you do need to keep an eye on the level of damage and call in a professional when you need garage door repairs. Regular tune-ups and inspections can help extend the life of your garage door and opener, making them a wise investment.

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Habpro Garage Doors
Dacula, GA 30019

4 Things to Know About Garage Door Springs

The spring on your garage door is what allows you to open and close this large door with ease. Garage doors weigh hundreds of pounds and without a spring to mitigate this heavy weight, it would take some strength to pull it up and keep gravity from slamming it shut. Heavy-duty springs are the workhorse of a garage door system – knowing the basics about these springs can help you maintain your garage door and opening system. Here are four things you should know about your garage door spring.

  1. Torsion and extension springs. Garage doors either have torsion or extension springs. Most garage doors with an opening system have torsion springs that wind and recoil to release energy to move the door.
  2. Torsion springs wear out. The continuous winding of the torsion spring wears out the material over time. Eventually, the spring will break, often without warning. When this happens, the garage door will no longer be easy to open.
  3. Cycles for springs. You can gauge how soon a spring will wear out on the number of cycles (opening and closing). Most torsion springs will last about 20,000 cycles, so the more times per day you use it, the quicker it will need replacement.
  4. Replacement. You can wait until a spring breaks to replace it, but then you may be stuck until it can be replaced. Proactive replacement is best, but never attempt to do this yourself as it can be dangerous. Leave spring replacements to a garage door professional.

Garage door springs make life easier and require little maintenance to work day in and day out. Just perform annual service on your opening system and keep the system lubricated to reduce stress on your spring to make it last longer.

Posted on behalf of: 
Habpro Garage Doors
Dacula, GA 30019

7 Things to Inspect on Your Garage Door

You may not be mechanical or a garage door expert, but you can still perform a visual inspection on your garage doors. Your garage doors are not just a convenience – they are important to the security of your home and are also a high-risk factor for injury if they are not maintained. You should visually inspect your garage doors throughout the year to ensure they are in good working order. Here are seven things you should look at when inspecting your garage doors.

  1. Tracks. Look at the tracks and rollers that move your garage door. Check for rust, dents or abnormalities.
  2. Door panels. Check the whole door for issues like rust, dents or holes.
  3. Seal. Does your door seal completely when closed? This is important for security and to keep your garage weatherproofed.
  4. Weather stripping. When checking to see if the door seals, also check the weather stripping for cracks or tears.
  5. Safety features. You can perform a quick safety test by putting a box or board under your garage door. The door should stop closing when it realizes there is something below it; if it doesn’t, it needs the sensors adjusted or replaced.
  6. Cables and other hardware. A frayed cable or a rusted screw could be dangerous. Look for any signs of wear and tear on your hardware.
  7. Listen too. It is not just your eyes that are useful for inspecting your garage door – listen for strange noises, squeaking or loud operation that could indicate an issue.

If you notice any wear, tear or dysfunction with your garage doors, get service right away. A thorough tune up from a professional can help avoid unnecessary and ensure your garage doors stay safe and provide years of reliable service.

Posted on behalf of: 
Habpro Garage Doors
Dacula, GA

Garage Door Safety Tips for Your Family

As the weather becomes warmer, it is common to see garage doors left open as family’s pull out lawn care products and outdoor items from storage. This is a good time to go over a few reminders on garage door safety. It is easy to get complacent about your garage door – you use it every day without a problem. But garage doors are usually the heaviest moving part in your home and should be treated with respect. Here are a few safety reminders to keep your family safe around your garage door this spring and summer.

  • Check your sensors. One of the most important safety features on your garage door opener are the sensors. Your garage door should stop closing if anything is under it.
  • Teach kids garage door etiquette. Kids love to push buttons that make things move. However, garage doors are not a toy. Teach kids to let adults run the garage door opener.
  • Disable the manual lock. Many times the manual lock can accidentally get engaged while kids are playing in or around the garage. Disable the lock to ensure it does not get locked and harm your garage door when you try to open it with the opener.
  • Tune-up time. Now is a good time to have your garage door serviced with a tune-up. You don’t want a spring breaking when the family is going in and out of the garage all summer.

Don’t take your garage doors for granted. It only takes one mishap to cause serious injury or expensive property damage. Call your local garage door service company to schedule a thorough service and inspection to make sure the sensors, springs and other parts are all in good working order.

Posted on behalf of: 
Habpro Garage Doors
Dacula, GA

Time to Spring Clean Your Garage Door

Winter can do a number on your home, including your garage door. Moisture can accumulate on the interior, leaving mildew stains on your door, while the outside can become dirty from winter weather. Now that spring is on its way, this is a great time to do a thorough spring cleaning on your garage door, plus give it a careful inspection for wear and tear. Here are some spring garage door maintenance tips.

  • Wash your door. Most painted steel or fiberglass doors can be easily cleaned using a mild soap and water. For wooden doors, check with the manufacturer instructions for cleaning and care. While washing your door, inspect the panels for damage or corrosion. In many cases you can replace just the panels instead of replacing the entire door.
  • Inspect the hardware and railings. Winter weather can mean slippery driveways. It is common for vehicles to slide into the garage door edge going in and out of the garage. Inspect the railings and hardware for your garage door, looking for dented or rusted metal pieces that may need replacement.
  • Schedule your annual door opener maintenance. If it has been more than a year since your garage door opener was serviced, schedule your annual service now. It is common for garage doors to be left open during the summer as you go in and out using yard tools. Make sure the spring and other garage door opener parts are in good shape. You don’t want your spring giving out while you or other family members are coming in or out of the garage this summer.

When it comes to spring cleaning and maintenance projects, don’t forget to add your garage door to the list. Start spring off with a clean, maintained garage door that will be ready for the summer ahead.

Is Your Garage Door Lock Disabled?

Did you know your garage door has an outdoor lock? You probably see it every day, yet rarely will ever need to use it. Garage doors generally come with a manual lock that you can use to secure your garage if you don’t have an electronic garage door opener or it is not working. Day in and day out, you open and close your garage door with no problems as long as that manual lock is disabled. But what happens if you accidentally manually lock the door and then try to use your opener?

If you engage your garage door opener when the door is manually locked, you could damage your garage door, the opener or both. You may think that this would never happen but it actually happens quite frequently. The manual lock is used during a power outage or maybe the kids were playing with it – whatever the cause, when you go to use your opener, that powerful force pulls against a door firmly locked, often causing expensive damages. So what can you do to prevent this?

There are ways to permanently disable your manual lock or make it difficult to accidentally engage. One method that garage door service companies use is installing a lock rod that will prevent the manual lock from being used unless the rod is removed. This simple fix can prevent hundreds of dollars or more of damage to your garage door system in the event your garage door is ever locked on accident.

If you are unsure of how to disable your manual garage door lock, call your local garage door service company. They can help you disable or add a lock rod to your door to prevent any future problems.

Spring Inspection for Your Garage Doors

How did your garage door hold up over the winter? Many areas of the country experienced rough winters, with cold temperatures and blistery storms that ravaged the outside of homes. Garage doors are often exposed to rougher elements than the rest of the home due to the temperature fluctuations they endure, with one side warm and the other cold as internal heating battles exterior chill. After a hard winter, it’s time to give your garage door a thorough inspection to check for any damage or necessary repairs.

  • Look for cracks. Cracks are one of the most common issues for wooden garage doors. Especially in freezing temperatures, movement or even a slight impact can start a crack. If you find a crack in a panel, often you can just replace the panel instead of the whole door.
  • Check your rails and hardware. Inspect your rails and other hardware for your door, looking for dents, rust and loose nuts or bolts. It’s very common for a vehicle to slide into the railings of the garage door during icy weather, which can compromise the door.
  • Safety inspection. Make sure your safety features are working correctly. Put an object, like a cardboard box, under your garage door and try to close the door. If the electronic eyes are working correctly, the door should not close. If it smashes the object, your lasers may not be working or are not aligned properly.

If you find any problems, make sure to call in your local garage door service as soon as possible. Garage doors are used even more during the summer, so have all repairs completed in the interest of household safety. While your garage door expert is on the premises, have them tune-up your garage door opener to make sure the spring and other mechanisms are working properly.

Posted on behalf of Habpro
Dacula, GA 30019
(770) 985-3355

Troubleshooting a Garage Door That Does Not Close

One of the most common and frustrating problems with automated garage doors is when they refuse to close. This usually happens at the worst possible time, when you are already running late for work or have an important appointment. You cannot leave your home with your garage door wide open, so what do you do? Here are a few of the most common causes of this frustrating issue, so the next time it happens you can troubleshoot the problem.

  • Sensors. As a safety feature, automated garage doors use photo-sensors to ensure nothing is under the door before it closes. However, if these sensors get dirty or are not aligned, they can prevent the door from closing when no obstacles are present. These sensors are located on either side of the garage door. If you don’t have time to fix the issue when it occurs, you can usually override this feature by using the wall unit, holding the button until the door closes.
  • Vacation or lock-out mode. Many garage door openers have a vacation or lock-out mode that can accidentally be triggered. These switches will disable the remote, meant to keep out intruders. If this is the problem, you should be able to close the door by using the wall unit. The vacation or lock-out option should also be located on the wall unit and can be turned off to allow the remote to work.
  • Remote issue. A faulty garage door remote is another common culprit when doors refuse to close. The batteries may need to be replaced, or you could be facing another remote-related issue. Once again, you should still be able to use the wall unit until the remote can be evaluated and repaired.

These are a few of the most common reasons a garage door will not close. If the problem is not resolved, you may need to call your local garage door service company to inspect your garage door and opener to find and repair the issue.

Posted on behalf of Habpro
Dacula, GA 30019
(770) 985-3355


Do You Have Damaged Tracks On Your Garage Door?

One of the most easily damaged parts on your garage door is the tracks. Exposed in the interior of the garage door, these tracks often are hit by vehicles, bouncing balls and many other moving objects. Over time, these small dents can cause the tracks to weaken and become unstable. At some point, they may give way, endangering you, your vehicle or members of your family, plus causing damage to your garage door. 

Inspecting Your Garage Door Tracks

As part of your regular maintenance on your garage door, make sure to inspect the tracks. You should be looking for any dents or bends in the metal. You should also check the alignment of your door. Does your garage door move smoothly up and down through the tracks, or does it seems to hesitate at certain spots on the track? 

If you notice any problems, don’t try to repair the tracks yourself. Trying to pound out dents or realign the tracks on your own can be dangerous. Garage doors can weigh several hundred pounds; doing anything that could cause the door to crash down or come out of the tracks could put you or someone else in your family at risk of injury. 

Replacing Garage Door Tracks

If your garage door tracks seem to be damaged, call your local garage door service company to handle any needed garage door repairs. They can inspect your tracks and offer solutions to ensure they do not cause damage to your door or harm to your family. Most damaged tracks will need to be replaced, as they are not easily repaired. However, it is much less expensive to replace the tracks than purchase a new garage door or pay for injuries.

Posted on behalf of Habpro

Is Your Garage Door Ready For Winter?

There are many items on your to-do list to prepare for winter around your home, but one item which may sometimes be overlooked is your garage door. However, since you rely on your garage door to get you and your vehicle inside during the worst winter weather, it may be something you want to consider. Before the winter weather hits, now is the time to give your garage door a little pre-winter maintenance. 

Winter Maintenance For Your Garage Door

Having your garage door fail at any point can be inconvenient. During the winter, it can be downright dangerous. Winter conditions are when you need the safety of driving into your garage the most. It is also the time when a poorly maintained door is most likely to fail, due to changes in the temperature and other weather factors. Here are a few maintenance items to cover in order to ensure your door is ready for the colder months ahead. 

  • Lubrication. Your garage door is exposed to the outside weather every time it opens. This can let in moisture, which can rust and corrode the moving parts of your door. Lubrication can protect these parts from the moisture while ensuring your door can move easily and smoothly.
  • Springs. Most garage door springs last several years with regular maintenance. Most last around 10,000 cycles, so the lifespan will depend on how often you use your garage door. If your spring is more than three years old and is used heavily, it may be time to have it replaced. Never try to replace a garage door spring yourself; always hire a professional.
  • Check all components. Inspect the seals, rollers, tracks and all moving parts for any problems. It is easier to repair or replace these parts now than to have your garage door fail in the middle of a winter storm. 

The easiest way to ensure your garage door is ready for winter is to have an annual tune-up service performed by your local garage door service company. They can fully inspect your system and perform any garage door repairs or maintenance to avoid leaving you out in the cold this winter.

Posted on behalf of Habpro