Prevent Expensive And Inconvenient Garage Door Repairs

It’s easy to take your garage doors for granted. Up and down they go, hundreds of times a year without a sign of any problems. Until one day, when all that easy convenience comes to an end. Like any major mechanical device, garage doors need maintenance to continue working properly. Not only can servicing your garage door annually prevent many common garage door repairs, it can also alert you to impending issues before they become major inconveniences. 

Annual Garage Door Service

There are many moving parts in your garage door which can become worn and unstable after years of use. Chains, gears and springs can wear out if not kept lubricated and tightened to manufacturer specifications. The best way to make your garage door system last for many years is to have it annually serviced. 

While some do-it-yourself homeowners may be able to do some of the normal garage door maintenance themselves, for most people it makes sense to call in a professional. Most garage door service companies offer tune-up services for garage doors which will encompass inspecting all components, lubrication, tightening bolts and even rebalancing the door. Not only can this make your door last longer and prevent many issues, a professional can recognize impending problems which you can fix before they need emergency repair. 

Losing access to your garage and vehicles can create major havoc in your life; prevent this from happening to you by keeping your garage door maintained with annual garage door service. It is much less expensive to maintain your doors than to call for an emergency repair that can cost hundreds of dollars or even require a complete door replacement.

Posted on behalf of  Legacy Garage Doors



Summer Cleaning For Your Garage Doors

Summer time is often when homeowners turn their attention to the exterior of their homes to do needed improvements and maintenance. Winter can leave driveways, patios and your garage doors all looking a little dingy. Not only will cleaning your garage door make it look better, it also can protect it from corrosion and damage. With a little soap, water and elbow grease, you can get your garage doors looking like new again this summer. 

Garage Door Spring Maintenance Tips

Almost all garage doors, including wood, steel and aluminum can be washed using a mild household cleaner and water. Usually this will be about one part cleaner to five parts water. However, always check your garage door manufacturer recommendations before using any cleaner. Using a soft cloth or sponge, wipe down your garage doors inside and out with the cleaning solution, then rinse with water and wipe dry. Once clean, inspect your garage doors for wear. 

  • Rust. If you find any rust spots, moisture has penetrated the paint. You will need to sand off the rust and repaint the area, or repaint the entire door. If left unchecked, rust will eventually ruin your door.
  • Bare spots. Are there bare spots where the finish or paint is gone or worn? Plan on painting or adding a finish coating to your doors this summer.
  • Cracks. Hard winters can leave your garage doors worse for the wear. Inspect your doors for cracks or damage from the winter storms. You may need to replace panels or the entire door if there is cracks in the surface. 

Once your doors are clean and in good repair, the next step on your summer garage door maintenance should be to have a tune-up performed on your opener. If it has been more than a year, call your local garage door service company to perform an annual tune-up and inspection.

 Posted on behalf of Legacy Garage Doors

Garage Door Safety Tips

Garage doors can weigh hundreds of pounds, making them extremely dangerous if they come crashing down unexpectedly. A poorly maintained garage door system can unexpectedly fail, creating a serious hazard for you and your family, especially small children. It is important to understand the risks that a garage door can pose. Reduce these risks by following standard safety rules regarding upkeep, and use them to keep your family safe from harm. 

  • Garage door controls – Never allow children to play with garage door controls. Make sure your remote garage door opener is installed at least five feet off the ground to keep it away from small fingers.
  • Reverse mechanism – Your garage door opener should have a reversing mechanism that stops the door from closing when an object is in the way. Test this mechanism monthly by putting a board under the door. If the door does not reverse after touching the board, call your garage door repair company to have it serviced.
  • Emergency release – Know how to use the emergency release feature on your garage door opener. Your manual should have instructions on how this feature can be engaged.
  • Check balance – Manually lift and pull down your door, checking for any resistance. When closing, stop about three feet off the ground to ensure that it does not close on its own. Any resistance or automatic closing means the door may be out of balance.
  • Inspect your door – Periodically, you should inspect your garage door. Look at the springs, pulleys, cables and rollers for any sign of wear or damage. Never attempt to repair these on your own. Call a professional who has the right tools and experience to safely handle garage door repairs

Garage doors should have an annual inspection and tune-up to keep them working properly, and to promote safety. Call your local garage door service company to schedule your annual inspection today.

Posted on behalf of Legacy Garage Doors

Signs Of Common Garage Door Problems

Most of us use our garage doors every day, putting heavy wear and tear on the mechanical aspects of the door. Over time, the cables, chains, springs and other mechanisms can wear out and cause problems with your garage door. One way to prevent problems is to have annual inspections and maintenance performed by a professional. However, even with regular maintenance, garage door problems can still occur. 

First Signs Of Garage Door Problems

The majority of garage door problems don’t happen overnight. There are generally signs your door will need garage door repairs soon. Knowing the signs can help you identify when there is a possible problem before it causes a bigger issue. 

  • Strange noises. If your garage door is making strange noises when opening or closing, it could be a sign that it needs some of the hardware tightened, replaced or lubricated. Squeaks can mean lubrication, where scraping sounds can mean struts, pulleys or bearings need repair. A popping noise may indicate the rollers need replacement.
  • Door opening/closing slowly. A slow moving garage door may be a sign it’s time to replace your spring. Replacing a spring can be dangerous, so always call in a professional.
  • Not closing all the way. If your garage does not close all the way, check to see if anything is blocking the door path. If not, there may be a problem with the sensors, rails or cables. Call in a garage door technician to diagnose the problem. 

If you know the signs that your garage door is having problems, you can get these issues resolved before it stops working altogether. Proactively taking measures to have these problems looked at can save you both time and money in the long run.

Posted on behalf of Legacy Garage Doors

Problem With A Noisy Garage Door?

We give little thought about the maintenance of our garage doors until something goes wrong with and it fails to function properly.  Worse yet, if your living space is either directly above or adjacent to your garage, is when the arrival or departure of a loved one is announced with much screeching, rattling and banging. Some of us kind tolerate that inharmonious symphony for a while but, eventually, that horrendous noise has to go, in order for peace to return to the house. 

Garage door noises usually sound far worse than the problem it reveals; they can usually be fixed with a little maintenance and part replacement. Depending on the age of your garage door, the wear of continuous use over time can cause cables to be loosened or frayed, chains and pulleys can develop rust, hinges can become frozen, or the track can become dented or misaligned. From inside your garage, with the door shut, visually inspect these items to determine if garage door repairs or replacements are needed. Spray a small amount of lubricant on the hinges, rollers and tracks.

Open and close your garage door manually; it should open easily, smoothly, and remain at the top until you pull it down. If the door does not seem to function properly with this manual test, the tension springs may be out of balance. Also, if you have the older chain-drive type of garage door opener, you may want to consider replacing it with a newer, quieter, screw-drive or belt- drive type opener. 

Above all, please be aware that working on your garage door can be dangerous.  Garage doors are much heavier than most people realize and garage door springs are unde tremedous pressur.  It is always advisable to have your garage door inspected and repaired by a reputable garage door service professional. Safety means peace of mind.

When Your Garage Door Is Out of Whack

Even though your garage door should have a long life, there may still be times over the course of your garage door ownership that you find it in need of garage door repairs. Broken hinges and springs, broken hinges and even surface damage to the door itself are all relatively common, and will require the attention of a qualified professional to restore the garage door to its former glory. 

If your garage door won’t open or close at all, you may need to determine whether or not the opener is functioning properly. The metal rollers and hinges that make up an automatic garage door also need regular lubrication and service, and neglecting to see to that maintenance can cause the door to open or close very slowly. Should your door fall when it’s released, there’s a strong possibility that the extension springs are worn out and in need of replacement. Tracks can become damaged, causing the door to jump and shudder when it’s in motion. These are just a few of the more common garage door repairs that you may encounter, all of which should be attended to by an experienced and qualified garage door repair and installation technician in your area. 

While there is a wide variety of home improvement and repair projects that you can attend to yourself, it’s important to keep in mind that garage doors are comprised of very powerful springs and cables that counter-balance the weight of the door. These components can be very dangerous if they come loose during a repair, which is why the vast majority of garage door maintenance tasks should be attended to by an expert technician. Many garage door repairs also require special equipment that the average homeowner simply does not have on hand.

Maintain Your Garage Door to Extend Its Life

Just like any other electric appliances in your home, your garage door and opener will require a bit of regular maintenance to ensure longevity along with proper operation. 

On a monthly basis, you should visually inspect your garage door for signs of wear or damage. Fraying cables, loose mounting hardware and signs of wear on the rollers, cables and springs are all things to look out for. You should also make sure that the safety reverse mechanism is working properly to reduce the likelihood of injury or property damage resulting from the door closing on children, pets and objects. Make sure that weatherstripping along the sides and bottom of the door is intact, and that there are no visible signs of rust anywhere on the door or mechanisms. 

Listen to the sound of your door opening and closing. Does it seem louder than usual, or is the door shuddering, rumbling or otherwise behaving strangely? If so, it’s wise to contact a licensed garage door repair and installation service provider for a professional diagnosis and correction. 

Aside from maintaining the surface of the door itself, inspecting the mechanisms for signs of wear and looking for indicators that your door isn’t operating as well as it could be, there’s very little garage door maintenance or repair that you can safely perform yourself. The springs and cables that open and close your garage door can be very dangerous, easily causing severe injury if they’re handled improperly. Before attempting any sort of repair yourself, call an experienced professional in your area to ensure that your garage door is properly maintained by someone with the expertise necessary to do so without risking severe physical injury or damage to your garage door mechanisms.

Garage Door Inspection

Garage doors are one of the most potentially dangerous parts of your home, yet they are often the most overlooked – until there is a serious problem like the door won’t open or someone gets hurt. Not only does the door have great weight, the door and all its moving parts are under constant enormous tension. If something breaks unexpectedly, it could cause serious injury or even death. 

To avoid potential problems, garage door experts recommend regular inspections and maintenance of your door. Routine garage door service by a professional garage door repair company, it typically costs around $100, a pittance considering it may avoid more costly repairs and buy you some peace of mind. At the bare minimum, a professional inspection should include the following: 

1.  Check all parts – the springs, rollers, hinges and safety devices – to make sure they are fastened correctly and working properly. 

2. Check the balance of the door. This is done by raising the door a few feet and releasing it. If the door moves in any direction more than a few inches, it could mean the springs need to be adjusted or replaced. 

3.  Inspect the cables and pulleys. If they show signs of wear, replace them immediately. 

4.  Tighten all loose screws and brackets. Garage doors can be opened and closed more than a thousand times a year. With all that weight and tension, screws are bound to become loose, creating a potential safety hazard. 

5.  Lubricate springs, rollers, pulleys, bearings and the garage door opener chain and sprockets, if you have a chain driven opener. 

6.  Troubleshoot any issues, including unusual squeaks or stuttering. These are often signs of more serious trouble with springs or hinges and should be resolved with adjustment or replacement right away, due to safety risks.

Boosting Your Home’s Curb Appeal With Garage Door Repairs

Garage doors can be damaged in a variety of ways, from inclement weather to a momentary loss of vehicular control. Some unsightly dings, dents and damages may be merely cosmetic, causing no loss of function but negatively impacting your home’s curb appeal nonetheless.

If you’re thinking about selling your home in the near future or simply want to make sure that your home is the envy of the neighborhood, springing for some garage door repairs can be a great first step. Contacting a local garage door repair specialist to figure out what your garage door needs in order to be restored to its former glory can pay off in spades in the long run. 

While severe damages may often require a full replacement of the garage door in order to restore functionality, minor imperfections can usually be repaired with a simple panel or window replacement.  A simple assessment from a local company specializing in garage door repair can help you to determine what your garage door needs in order to look its best again, boosting your curb appeal and helping you to ensure that your home is in high demand if you make the decision to list it.

Even if your garage door has no cosmetic imperfections that you can see, it’s wise to carefully inspect the astragal, or bottom section seal. Prospective buyers will scrutinize every detail of your home to discover projects and repairs that could be waiting for them. Making sure that your garage door is in perfect condition and in need of absolutely no maintenance makes for one less concern in a buyer’s mind.

Repairing a Damaged Overhead Garage Door

Garage doors can be damaged through a variety of circumstances. One of the most common occurrences that create damage to a garage door is when a driver accidentally backs into a closed or partially closed garage door. No garage door is meant to withstand that type of heavy collision. Whether or not the door can be repaired or needs to be replaced will depend on the amount of the damage and the type of garage door. 

When a garage door has been damaged in this way, the impact often affects more than just the door itself. The door rollers may be knocked off the rails, which can leave the door in a precarious position. The door may fall, causing further damage or injury. It is important to contact a garage door repair professional immediately to assess the situation and secure the door to prevent any further damage. 

Many times only one panel of a garage door has been damaged and the panel can be replaced. Other times the entire door and the hardware will need to be replaced. Regardless of the extent of the damage, it is quite possible that the door has been knocked out of alignment. Again, this is one of the items that your garage door repair professional will need to assess and repair if necessary. 

If your garage door has a window section in it, this is another area that is susceptible to damage. Flying objects or tree limbs from a storm are often the culprits that break the windows in a garage door. These window sections are generally easy for a garage door tech to repair or replace.